** JPG.js
** a lightweight vanilla js library

console.dir('= jpg.js initialized =');

=            PRIMARY OBJECT            =

let JPG      = {}; // JPG!

JPG.util = {}, // Utility functions; contained here
JPG.fns  = {}, // App functions; contained in library.js
JPG.vars = {}, // Transient variables
JPG.user = {}; // User specific data

JPG.util.regex = []; // Regex array

JPG.vars.ua    	  = window.navigator.userAgent; // User agent from window
JPG.vars.platform = window.navigator.platform; // User platform from window
JPG.vars.ms; // MS browser boolean

JPG.user.ua; // User agent
JPG.user.os; // User OS
JPG.user.mobile; // Mobile boolean

=            JPG UTILITY FUNCTIONS            =

// DOM element selector
JPG.util.EL = (el) => {
    switch (el.slice(0, 1)) {
	case '#':
	    JPG.vars.$el = document.getElementById(el.slice(1, el.length));

	case '.':
	    JPG.vars.$el = document.getElementsByClassName(el.slice(1, el.length));

	    JPG.vars.$el = document.getElementsByTagName(el);

    return JPG.vars.$el;

// Add class to element
JPG.util.addClass = (el, className, delay) => {
    setTimeout(function () {
	if (document.body.classList) {
	} else {
	    el.className += ' ' + className;
    }, delay || 0);

// Remove class from element
JPG.util.removeClass = (el, className, delay) => {
    setTimeout(function () {
	if (document.body.classList) {
	} else {
	    el.className = el.className.replace(' ' + className, '');
    }, delay || 0);

// Forward/backward lookup regex
JPG.util.regex[0] = /(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g;
JPG.util.regex[1] = /\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g;

// Number formatter, US standard 3 digit ',' w/ $USD option
JPG.util.numFormat = (num, currencySymbol) => {
   Number.prototype.format = function () {
	return this.toString().replace(JPG.util.regex[0], "$1,");

    // OPTIONAL: $ formatting
    if (currencySymbol == true) {
	return '$' + num.format();
    } else {
	return num.format();

// Random number generator, mutable
JPG.util.randomNumber = (limit, limiter) => {
    // limiter = 0 for arrays, 1 for standard, n for custom
    return Math.floor( (Math.random() * limit) + limiter );

// Quick Sort algorithm
JPG.util.quickSort = (data) => {
    // If only 1 piece of data, return that
    if (data.length < 2) {
    	return data;
    // Declare first value as pivot and the left/right temp arrays
    let pivot = data[0],
    	left  = [],
    	right = [];
    // Lump sort > / < value to pivot
    for (let i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
  	if (data[i] < pivot) {
  	} else {

    // Recursively sort left of pivot and right of pivot using spread operator
    return [ ...JPG.util.quickSort(left), pivot, ...JPG.util.quickSort(right) ];

// Detect User Agent
JPG.util.detectUserAgent = () => {
    let msie 	= JPG.vars.ua.indexOf('MSIE '),
        trident = JPG.vars.ua.indexOf('Trident/');

    // Boolean for MS browser
    (msie > 0 || trident > 0) ? JPG.vars.ms = true : JPG.vars.ms = false;

    // Temporary
    JPG.user.ua = JPG.vars.ua;

	console.dir('USER AGENT: ' + JPG.user.ua);

// Detect OS
JPG.util.detectPlatform = () => {
    let macosPlatforms = ['Macintosh', 'MacIntel', 'MacPPC', 'Mac68K'],
        windowsPlatforms = ['Win32', 'Win64', 'Windows', 'WinCE'],
        iosPlatforms = ['iPhone', 'iPad', 'iPod'];

    // Check for platform
    if (macosPlatforms.indexOf(JPG.vars.platform) !== -1) {
    	JPG.user.os = 'Mac OS';
    } else if (iosPlatforms.indexOf(JPG.vars.platform) !== -1) {
   	JPG.user.os = 'iOS';
    } else if (windowsPlatforms.indexOf(JPG.vars.platform) !== -1) {
    	JPG.user.os = 'Windows';
    } else if (/Android/.test(JPG.vars.ua)) {
    	JPG.user.os = 'Android';
    } else if (!JPG.user.os && /Linux/.test(JPG.vars.platform)) {
    	JPG.user.os = 'Linux';

    console.dir('OPERATING SYSTEM: ' + JPG.user.os);

// Detect Mobile, returns boolean
JPG.util.detectMobileTablet = () => {
    JPG.user.mobile = (typeof window.orientation !== "undefined") || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('IEMobile') !== -1);

// Page reload
JPG.util.reloadPage = () => {

// String truncator
JPG.util.truncateString = (text, textLength) => {
    if (text.length > textLength) {
        return text.substring(0, textLength) + '...';
    } else {
        return text;

// Fake page destruction
JPG.util.destroyPage = (bgColor) => {
    let all = document.querySelectorAll('body *:not(script):not(style):not(link)');

    document.querySelector('html').style.background = bgColor;
    document.querySelector('body').style.background = bgColor;
    document.querySelector('body').style.overflow = 'hidden';

    for (let el of all) {
 	let dur = (Math.random() * 3 + 1).toFixed(3),
 	    del = Math.round(Math.random() * 3000 + 1);

    	el.style.transition = 'transform ' + dur + 's';
	    setTimeout( () => { el.style.transform += ' translateY(100vh)'; }, del );

// Node, array, or string includes a child or value
JPG.util.has = (input, n, strict, inputPosition) => { 
    * input: Parent node || array || string
    * n: Child node || value
    * strict: true || false, init false
    * inputPosition: number (starting position), init 0

    // If value inits null, return and log
    if (input == null || n == null) {
	console.dir('JPG.util.has: input || n is null');

    // Strict check
    if (!strict && n.nodeType < 1) { // strict === false || undefined
	input = input.toLowerCase();
	n     = n.toLowerCase();

    // Array, String, DOM Element check
    if (Array.isArray(input) == true && typeof input == 'object') {
	console.dir('JPG.util.has: array');

	return input.includes(n); // output: true || false

    } else if (typeof input == 'string' || typeof input == 'number') {
	console.dir('JPG.util.has: string');

	return input.includes(n, inputPosition); // output: true || false
    } else if (n.nodeType > 0) {
	console.dir('JPG.util.has: DOM element');

	return input.contains(n); // output: true || false

    } else {
	throw 'JPG.util.has: else';

// Returns array with all elements
JPG.util.siblings = (element, filterEl, script) => {
    * element: node to search for siblings
    * filterEl: only return elements that match this
    * script: init false, if true will omit script tags as children
    let siblings = [];

    // Filter function
    function filterWillOnlyReturnThis(element, filteredEl) {
	return element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == filteredEl;

    // Sets up the algorithm sequentially
    element = element.parentNode.firstChild;

    // Do and when while becomes false quit
    do { 
        if ( !filterEl || filterWillOnlyReturnThis(element, filterEl) ) { // filterEl == undefined || filtering for element
    	    if (!script) { // script == undefined || null || false
    		if (element.nodeType === 1) {
    	    } else { // script == true
    		if (element.nodeType === 1 && element.nodeName != 'SCRIPT') {
    } while (element = element.nextSibling);

    return siblings;

// AJAX utility
JPG.util.ajax = (element, requestType, filePath, formDataElement, outputElement) => {
    let oData; // In case of form data
    let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

    if (!formDataElement) { // GET
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { 
            if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
                JPG.util.EL(element).innerHTML = this.responseText;

        xhr.open(requestType, filePath, true);
        // xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'text/html'); // OPTIONAL: If type is atypical.  Content-type is for files.
    } else { // POST, Form
        oData = new FormData(JPG.util.EL(element));

        xhr.onload = function () { 
            if (this.status == 200) {
                JPG.util.EL(outputElement).innerHTML = this.responseText;

        xhr.open(requestType, filePath, true);

console.dir('= jpg.js successfully loaded =');